Animal Flow Coach/Instructor/Regional Leader for Vienna Austria & Functional Trainer

It's me!
once upon a time...
For as long as I can remember, I have always loved to move! I was a bundle of energy. When I was 9, my mother enrolled me in an acrobatics class. I loved the feeling of being able to control my body and move exactly the way I wanted to! Later on in High School, between the ages of 12 and 16, I took on gymnastics. After finishing high school and about to attend a Business College, my coach advised me to join a gymnastics club to continue my passion and further develop my skills.
My body was my own machine, it built muscle fast. My coach saw great potential in me, and thus wanted to groom me into becoming a professional Gymnast. Unfortunately this did not fit in with my plans at the time. I later informed my Acro teacher that I would stop attending classes, ofcourse she was disappointed as she too saw potential in me and wanted to send me abroad to train me to become an acrobatic coach. Since I was young and a bit naive, I couldn't see the bigger picture and left.
After graduating from Business College, my first job was working as a Paralegal Secretary in a law firm. During an aerobic fitness course, which I attended together with my now deceased mother, the owners of the gym (Quetesh Mode, as it was then called) became aware of me. They asked my mother for permission to hire me and would send me for training, all expenses paid for, to become one of their Aerobics Instructors, by which time, I had just found out that I was expecting my first child. As tempting as the friendly offer was, I decided to concentrate on the upcoming demand in my life.
I continued my fitness journey and took part in various classes. One day I discovered Taebo a fitness programme created by Billy Blanks. I loved this mixture of martial arts and fitness from the first instant. Time passed. I opened my own fitness business hosting classes in an Hotel. It wasn´t long when I migrated to Austria. Here I worked for over four years in a fitness club specifically for women. I felt very connected to the place. Both club members and work colleagues became friends and important people in my life. I always gave my best and had the best interests of my clients at heart. I have always put my heart and soul into everything I have done.
One day I felt a certain emptiness and a longing to do more for myself. I ran through all the fitness programmes I knew of - Yoga, Cross Fit, Pilates etc, but whatever it was I still was not satisfied because deep down in my heart I had this longing to return to my love of Acrobatics and Gymnastics although at the time I did not want to go all out into that heavy style of moving. I considered my age was not the same age I was when I used to practice in those disciplines. I wanted elements of Acro and Gym without the big somersaults and flick flacks. I just had the urge to feel the ‘relief’ in my body that could only come from moves based on Acro/Gymnastics.
One day a friend saw a funky movement style, and mentioned Hannah Eden to me and said I would love it. The moment I saw her move and got to know her training style, attitude, etc., I wanted to learn and know everything about her and her training. I got in contact with the people who were running this programme and it was not long before I discovered Animal Flow. My long awaited dream came true: this was what I had been longing for. Finally we found each other.